I hate to say this, but the warm days are nearly over which means you have to fake the sea salt rather than getting the real thing. Wah !
We love love love messy, textured beach hair and wear it most days of the week. At the salon we get a lot of questions about Sea Salt Spray. “What’s it for?”, “How do I use it?”, “When do I use it?”. So here you go!
We love love love messy, textured beach hair and wear it most days of the week. At the salon we get a lot of questions about Sea Salt Spray. “What’s it for?”, “How do I use it?”, “When do I use it?”. So here you go!
Sometimes we put waves in our hair and think ...yep it looks nice and all but it could look better , less "i just spent an hour doing my hair " and more of " I just rolled off the beach and it looks this good " -even though ,not sure about you guys -but most of the time after the beach our hair looks like we just found a birds nest and decided to wear it as a hat.
1. Curl your hair using a cloud 9 wand or any other tong that you have that's on the medium to large side. Wrap your hair around the tongs from the ears down , while leaving the ends out - too curly on the ends is not beachy looking and looks over dressed . Allow your hair to cool, loosely shake the curls apart with your fingers.
2. Now here comes the key moves - . Spay the ends and mid lengths of your hair with Evo salty dog and scrunch through. The idea is to give the hair some grit and texture but not to lose the waves you have just created. While the hair is slightly wet from the spray , tuck the front sections of your hair behind your ears , to get natural texture at the front. Let those bits dry while you do your makeup .
3. Shake that sexy mane !
Ask us about salty dog next time you are in the salon or buy it now under "haircare ".
Happy Monday blondies ! Xx
Happy Monday blondies ! Xx